Virginia paycheck calculator estimates the taxes deducted from your earnings as an employee, including Federal, Virginia state, Social Security and Medicare taxes.
Payroll Calculator Virginia |
Filing Status | Single
Married Filing Jointly |
Gross Pay | |
Enter Your Virginia Zip Code |
Tax Paid Yearly | |
Federal Tax | $6,141 |
State Tax | $2,991 |
Local Tax | $0 |
Social Security | |
Medicare | $943 |
Net Pay | $50,895 |
Virginia Taxable Income (all filers) | Tax Rate |
$0 - $3,000 | 2.00% |
$3,000 - $5,000 | 3.00% |
$5,000 - $17,000 | 5.00% |
$17,000 and up | 5.75% |
Virginia has four income tax brackets: 2%, 3%, 5%, and 5.75%. The highest rate of 5.75% applies to taxable income of $17,000 or more, meaning most taxpayers fall into this bracket.
The standard deduction for Virginia state income tax is $8,500 for single filers and $17,000 for married couples filing jointly.
There is a $500 increase from the previous year's deduction of $8,000.
To determine the total tax liability in Virginia, you need to account for:
federal tax, virginia state tax, social security tax and medicare tax.
Example: calculating taxes for an annual income of $65,000 in Virginia as a single filer.
1.Federal Tax Calculation:
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