Virginia Paycheck Calculator

Virginia paycheck calculator estimates the taxes deducted from your earnings as an employee, including Federal, Virginia state, Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Payroll Calculator Virginia

Filing Status Single

Married Filing Jointly
Gross Pay
Enter Your Virginia Zip Code
Tax Paid Yearly
Federal Tax $6,141
State Tax $2,991
Local Tax $0
Social Security $4,030
Medicare $943
Net Pay $50,895
Virginia Taxable Income (all filers) Tax Rate
$0 - $3,000 2.00%
$3,000 - $5,000 3.00%
$5,000 - $17,000 5.00%
$17,000 and up 5.75%

Virginia Income Tax

Virginia has four income tax brackets: 2%, 3%, 5%, and 5.75%. The highest rate of 5.75% applies to taxable income of $17,000 or more, meaning most taxpayers fall into this bracket.
The standard deduction for Virginia state income tax is $8,500 for single filers and $17,000 for married couples filing jointly. There is a $500 increase from the previous year's deduction of $8,000.

How to calculate virginia income tax

To determine the total tax liability in Virginia, you need to account for: federal tax, virginia state tax, social security tax and medicare tax.

Example: calculating taxes for an annual income of $65,000 in Virginia as a single filer.
1.Federal Tax Calculation:

  • Standard deduction: $14,600.
  • Taxable income for federal tax: $65,000- $14,600 = $50,400.
  • Federeal tax rate (24%):
    • 10% on income up to $11,600:
      $11,600 x 10% = $1,160.
    • 12% on income from $11,601 to $47,150:
      ($47,150-$11,601) x 12% = $4,266
    • 22% on income from $47,151 to $100,525:
      ($50,400-$47,150) = $3,250 x 22% = $715
  • Federal tax owed: $1,160 + $4,266 + $715 =$6,141.

2. Virginia State Tax Calculation:
  • Standard deduction: $8,500.
  • Taxable income for state tax: $65,000- $8,500 = $56,500.
  • State tax rate (5.75%):
    $3,000 x 2% + $2,000 x 3% + $12,000 x 5% + ($56,000 - $17,000) x 5.75% = $2,991.
  • State tax owed: $2,991.

3.Social Security Tax (No deductions, taxed on gross income):
  • $65,000 x 6.2% = $4,030.
  • Social security tax owed: $4,030.

4.Medicare Tax (No deductions, taxed on gross income):
  • $65,000 x 1.45% = $943.
  • Medicare tax owed: $943.

5.Total Tax:
  • $6,141 + $2,991 + $4,030 + $943 = $14,105

6.Net Pay
  • $65,000 - $14,105 = $50,895

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