New York Paycheck Calculator

New York paycheck calculator estimates the taxes deducted from your earnings as an employee, including federal, New York State, and New York City income taxes, as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Payroll Calculator New York

Filing Status Single

Married Filing Jointly
Gross Pay
Enter Your NY Zip Code
Tax Paid Yearly
Federal Tax $13,401
State Tax $4,832
Local Tax $3,363
Social Security $6,076
Medicare $1,421
Net Pay $68,907

New York State Income Tax Rate

Single Filer Married Filing Jointly Tax Rate
$0 - $8,500 $0 - $17,150 4.00%
$8,500 - $11,700 $17,150 - $23,600 4.50%
$11,700 - $13,900 $23,600 - $27,900 5.25%
$13,900 - $80,650 $27,900 - $161,550 5.50%
$80,650 - $215,400 $161,550 - $323,200 6.00%
$215,400 - $1,077,550 $323,200 - $2,155,350 6.85%
$1,077,550 - $5,000,000 $2,155,350 - $5,000,000 9.65%
$5,000,000 - $25,000,000 $5,000,000 - $25,000,000 10.30%
$25,000,000+ $25,000,000+ 10.90%

New York City Income Tax

Single Filer Married Filing Jointly Rate
$0 - $12,000 $0 - $21,600 3.078%
$12,000 - $25,000 $21,600 - $45,000 3.762%
$25,000 - $50,000 $45,000 - $90,000 3.819%
$50,000+ $90,000+ 3.876%

New York State and City Income Tax

New York State Income Tax:

  • New York State has 9 income tax brackets, with rates ranging from 4% to 10.9%, depending on the income level.

  • There is a standard deduction of $8,000 for single filers and $16,500 for married couples filing jointly. This deduction applies to both New York State and New York City taxes (if applicable).

New York City Income Tax:

  • Only residents of New York City are subject to New York City income tax.
  • This includes those living in the following five boroughs:
    • Manhattan (New York County)
    • Brooklyn (Kings County)
    • Queens (Queens County)
    • The Bronx (Bronx County)
    • Staten Island (Richmond County)

  • NYC income tax rates range from 3.078% to 3.876%, depending on the taxpayer's income. For single filers with a taxable income over $90,000, the highest rate of 3.876% applies.

Residents of areas outside of these five boroughs are only responsible for New York State income tax, not New York City income tax.

New York City Resident Tax Calculation Example: Let’s calculate the taxes for a single filer living in New York City who earns $46,000 annually.

1.Federal Tax Calculation:

  • Standard deduction: $14,600.
  • Taxable income for state tax: $46,000 - $14,600 = $31,400.
  • Federeal tax rate (12%):
    $11,600 x 10% + ($31,400 - $11,600) x 12% = $3,536
  • Federal tax owed: $3,536.

2.State Tax Calculation:

  • Standard deduction: $8,000.
  • Taxable income for state tax: $46,000 - $8,000 = $38,000.
  • State tax rate (5.5%):
    $8,500 x 4% + ($11,700 - $8,500) x 4.5% + ($13,900 - $11,700) x 5.25% + ($38,000 - $13,900) x 5.5% =$1,925.
  • State tax owed: $1,925.

3. City Tax Calculation

  • Standard deduction: $8,000.
  • Taxable income for city tax: $46,000 - $8,000 = $38,000.
  • City tax rate (3.819%):
    $12,000 x 3.078% + ($25,000 - $12,000) x 3.762% + ($38,000 - $25,000) x 3.819% = $1,355
  • City tax owed: $1,355.

4.Social Security Tax (No deductions, taxed on gross income):

  • $46,000 x 6.2% = $2,852.
  • Social security tax owed: $2,852.

5.Medicare Tax (No deductions, taxed on gross income):

  • $46,000 x 1.45% = $667.
  • Medicare tax owed: $667.

6. Total tax for NYC resident:

  • Federal tax: $3,536.
  • Social Security Tax: $2,852.
  • Medicare Tax: $667.
  • State tax: $1,925.
  • City tax: $1,355.
  • Total Tax:
    $3,536 + $2,852 + $667 + $1,925 + $1,355 = $10,335

7.Net Pay

  • $46,000 - $10,335 = $35,665

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